Maison Riso
--------------------------------------------------- FR :
Fondé en 2017 à Paris, nous sommes installés à présent à Nice. Nous prenons tous types de commandes et de quantités.
Nous proposons un service artisanal de risographie, basé sur le savoir-faire pour :
Nous offrons toute la chaine de production jusqu'au façonnage, et de nombreuses autres techniques en complément de la riso pour certains ouvrages (miméo, sérigraphie, giclée, tampographie, etc.).
En tant que premier cercle de la riso en France nous faisons en sorte de conserver un esprit expérimental et une production de haute qualité.
--------------------------------------------------- UK :
A little printing house, between the workshop and the studio, founded in 2017. We have now settled in Nice, FRANCE since 2019.
Focused on the risograph machine, its own quality, and the love of paper. All kinds of works : printing services for creatives, artists or galleries, as well as cultural and events.
We also provide screenprinting services (paper & textiles).
We also are a graphic studio, with our own visual production and for hire for visual identities.
As french pionneers in risography, we are trying to spread what we see as the three big advantages of the risography: 1. aesthetics, 2. and ethics too (environmental side). And finally, 3. the cost : we try to be as affordable as possible, while staying in the quality of arts and crafts.